Monday, August 19, 2013

Hip Hop makes Relationships the new Trend?!

 There's a meme going around promoting having hoes isn't what's up anymore. My honest question is when was it ever ? From what we were all taught boy meets girl then comes marriage, where did the " having hoes " come into play? 

Whats funny is the pictures on the meme are all celebrities as if celebs just started having relationships. This meme just shows how much what a rapper does effects the masses. Jay Z and Beyonce have been together for years nobody was screaming this in '03. I don't wana hear the excuse of we were only 14 because that's only my age group (1989). I need to know what 18 and up was screaming in '03. 

This generation baffles me at times. The impact of the hip hop community is clearly greater than I thought. I can understand us following fashion and hair trends, but now relationship status'.

I know this doesn't apply to everyone but it shouldn't apply to anyone. This is what I see when I look on my Instagram. We're all old enough to realize we're only getting older its about that time to start looking for somebody to lock it down with. Remember don't rush that's something we can definitely learn from a celeb! 

Do you think people only want to be in a relationship because they see rappers doing it? 


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