Bynes was only smoking marijuana in public in the beginning. Next she's having outburst on twitter, throwing out racial slurs, stalking and coming on to the the rapper Drake and calling Rihanna ugly and a slut.
The needle that broke the camels back was her starting a fire in Los Angeles on someone's property. The witness says he spotted flames on her pant legs from a small gasoline fire in the driveway of a California home. ( Really Amanda )
She was taken to a psychiatric facility. The responding deputies on the scene felt Bynes met the criteria for a mental health she was to be held for 72 hours of observation.
The hold expired Thursday night, now the judge has granted a request from Amanda Bynes' parents for her hospital stay to be extended for up to two more weeks.
She needs all the evaluation possible I don't know what's wrong with her but she clearly needs help. Being a child star isn't worth it if you end up like this. I'm praying for Amanda <3
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